Innovation Incubation Support
Mission, vision
and strategy - Team
- History
Building a strong entrepreneurial eco-system and providing support to entrepreneurs in starting and expanding their business ventures.
An entrepreneurial society that appreciates and supports private initiative in developing creative business ideas, creating jobs and solving social and economic problems.
Jačanje preduzetničkog potencijala i unapređenje kulture preduzetništva s ciljem konkurentnog i ravnomjernog razvoja malih privrednika i lokalnih zajednica u BiH.
The Impakt investment foundation is made up of a group of professionals – a combination of youth and experience who every day try to make a positive impact on the lives of our entrepreneurs and the entire social community. We think long-term, in order to establish self-sustaining businesses and create a competitive market, taking into account equality and openness. We try not to forget to be flexible, innovative and reasonable in everything we do. We don’t stop with education! We are growing in order to achieve the greatest possible impact! Let individual success stories speak more about us, and numbers are a dynamic category for us, growing daily.
Founded at the beginning of 2019, building on the foundations of the ten-year Youth Employment Project (YEP), which implemented a series of reform efforts and initiatives in the field of the labor market with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), leaving an indelible mark and tectonic institutional changes.
We have supported more than 300 businesses, created more than 600 jobs and cooperated with more than 50 local communities throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina, and we have only just begun.